Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Tree...

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The world didn't I guess we get to open the presents after all....Counting down for Christmas!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Heart Shape Disco Ball"

I am happily to let everyone know that my poem, "Heart Shape Disco Ball" was chosen for a Valentine Zine that will be published next year. This is my first time submitting a poem for a publication and getting chosen. I can't believe it. I can't wait to receive a copy of the publication.

I am going to share my poem with all of you:

"Heart Shape Disco Ball"

You made my heart spin like a disco ball,

that one night at La Cita for Punky Reggae,
dancing to that Joy Division song, “Transmission.”

Our bodies moving freely to the beat of bass lines,
guitar riffs, and drums,
synchronize with the singers voice singing,
“Dance, Dance, Dance to the radio.”

I felt like Cinderella at the ball,
dancing with Prince Charming for one night only,
when the clock struck 2:00 a.m closing time at the bar,
 I left with only knowing your first name,

Friday, November 16, 2012

Boy Diaries

I was thinking today in how boys are so strange especially when they write emails... I have been writing to a friend who lives in South America... and I always write in the closing your friend,....but in the last two emails he wrote in his closing send you tons of kisses...and I was a bit hesitant in what to write in my closing so I just replied kindly send you a peck of a kiss...I just wrote that because there's no true expectations in any way of our relationship flourishing into anything else. Even when I admitted to him last year that I had a crush on him he just said "You are a special friend." What a way to tell someone you don't like them..."Like That"... I don't know why boys can be so confusing if you don't like someone romantically just write your name on the closing "Don't send them kisses or say love" that only makes a person think that there can be a possibility but really there is zero interest on the other end...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Boy Diaries...

I am just going to put this question out there in case someone reads this blog:

One of my friend's went out with a boy. He seemed very interested in her because he text me to tell me about wanting to take her out on a date. Even texting me to tell her that he liked her. I am always down for helping boys out when they like one of my friend's... They went out for drinks my friend claims that they had a great time, but there was no second date. He was supposed to have met her at a bar to see a band play, but he never went. She is the one who text him first and he only gives her one word answers.

She does not want to think about him, but then I had to text him to ask him about the date. He text me that too bad he met my friend at the end of the summer, because she had to go back to Atlanta for school. I  had to ask him if there was any sparks between them. He said yeah...And then I had to ask the question on whether he will go out with her again when she comes back in November and he said "yes."

My question to anyone who reads this is the following:

How does a man show that they are truly interested in a woman?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Boy Diaries

I learned something this week when my colleague and I were talking  to a very manly man. He was explaining to us that men like "confident women." That it doesn't matter if a woman is curvy or skinny that men dig women that are confident. It is simple as that. I was trying to count in my head all the miss opportunities I have had with men. (because I have been lacking confidence). 


Monday, September 17, 2012

Crush Sound of The Week Karen O (Yeah Yeah Yeahs) plays 'Duet' from her new psycho-opera Stop Th...

Boy Diaries

    I just want to reminiscence about what I learned this summer about boys. (I still have not written about the "Gothic Vampire" I met at the Echo Park Rising for the sake of this blog that is going to be his nickname.) Some boys get to be fun characters and that is always good, because they leave me with wanting to know more about them.

  • The one misconception I had about boys is that I always thought that they were more confident then us to start a conversation. (Wrong they are a nervous wreck and they are thankful when we go talk to them.)
  • If they think you are pretty they will always tell your friend to tell you, because they are too shy to do it themselves. (You will think that as adults this tactic should have been left in elementary school with note taking back and forth nope it has been upgraded with texting.)
  • Girls if you love to dance and boys CAN'T it is okay if they need a few drinks to get  loose on the dance floor. (They will master any dance move to impress you.)
I give high five to the boys of summer and I can't wait for what fall will bring.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Boy Diaries...

I went to the first Monday night of "Wildcat! Wildcat!" residency at the Echo with my friends. It had been a long time that we had been there. I knew nothing about this band and I can never say "no" to a free show. I enjoy being surprised by bands I know nothing about.The established band that was playing at the Echoplex was Greenday so these band had to play louder then them. Every band that went on stage gave cheers to the established band playing downstairs. The bar scene is always the same people drinking and talking while a band jams their hearts out on stage. But no one seems to notice the lonely people sitting in the dark corners drinking and trying to find the "one boy and girl that will take notice..." On this particular night I was being a people watcher when a boy with flip flop trips on this stage like thing I was friend and I we reacted so quickly trying to catch the falling boy who had tripped. So this is my warning to boys and clubs

"Never bring your chanclas to the a dark club because you will trip." He definitely made my night...

Crush Sound of The Week: Happy songs are lame

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Dreams for August..

A new month how "funtastic" time to reflect on the good times of July and the idea of following your dreams. Remember my deadline to finish editing my novel on July 30th well it quite didn't happened. I have a few more chapters of editing and hopefully by tomorrow everything will be polished. This was actually the most ambitious goal ever and I can't believe it is going to be finished. Super excited about sharing this new rewrite of the novel I think this is the 3rd draft or maybe 4th I have lost track. I think the best part of having a project ready to present to an audience is quite exciting, because last Sunday in my writer's workshop I/we debuted my song "Friday Night" to the group. It was the chapter were my girl protagonist and her friend  go to a show to see their favorite girl band and this poem is the song. I've had the melody in my head for five years now until another member of my writer's group was very nice to do the music on ukulele (which sounds freakiiiin incredible) I almost broke down in tears, because I couldn't believe that my song/poem can be so beautiful sounding in someone else's voice. The best moment of the reading was when I did my acappella version very punk rock to the writer's group first time singing to an audience and the other writer did her version on the ukulele such a magical moment. My colleagues of the workshop enjoyed both performances very much and hopefully we get to perform it pretty soon to an audience. In the meantime I am going to figure out a way to record it and have a demo of the song for the readers of this blog to listen to it. The song is part of the experience of the novel and the protagonists, with all this excitement I think August is going to bring more fun writing adventures, boy diaries moments, and tons of dancing. So please come back and be part of this journey with me.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Boy Diaries

This is my ultimate favorite "Boy Diaries" moment that I lived last night at La Cita. A couple of friends and I were celebrating a friend's birthday there. The evening started with an awesome Mix tape that I made for my friend and this nice picture frame that I got her, because she enjoys taking pictures. I was very happy that she liked her present, because she opened it in the car. This time we didn't get lost going to the place we had directions. We played the Mix Tape that was titled:

Ready Press Play

1.Rebel Girl                                  Bikini Kill
2.Date With The Night                  Yeah Yeah Yeah's
3.Call Your Girlfriend                     Robyn
4.Patins                                          CSS
5.Yes, I Want To Lose Control      Luna is Honey
6.Abducted                                    Cults
7.669 (I don't know if you know)    Neon Indian
8.The Only Place                            Best Coast
9.Let's Go Surfing                           The Drums
10. I Won't Share You                    The Smiths

I am not going to ramble on, but when you are single and trying to find someone to potentially date perhaps, a club is not the place to meet someone. This used to be my mentality until the coolest thing happen last night. My friends and I we were hanging out in the patio area talking and laughing and there were a lot of attractive men, but of course some were already taken. We did get approached by some guy thinking that I was a friend of his called Rebecca and wanting to know if we wanted to join his party, but my friend politely declined the offer, because we had our own party going on. 

The music was beaming people were dancing, talking, and drinking. I thought for a moment that the night was going to turn pretty awesome with all of us dancing not anticipating to talk to any of the men there or waiting for someone to ask me to dance. (I have already establish that I can dance by myself.) We continue hanging out in the patio and we see the security guy kick out some guy that was being disruptive the nice thing that my friend took me out of the way avoiding me getting knocked down.

Let me fast forward to the moment that I hear the song of "Joy Division" starting and I tell my friend let's dance and we go. I truly luv the song "Transmission"... We start danciiing and having the best time when out of nowhere this guy with a denim jacket and white shirt is dancing next to us, but eventually he moves to dance with me. I had seen him a couple of times passing by just thinking that he had a cool style, but it was soo cool that he wasn't shy to dance. I was having a blast, because this never happens in my regular life, so this was icing on the cake. Then the dj changes it up and puts Devo's song "Whip It." Then the guy that I was dancing with tells me about some book that the band makes reference to that inspired the song "Gravity's Rainbow." I reply with "I didn't know that, but that's a good reference to know." We continue dancing and the song ends, by this point the other guy tells us "high five" to my friend and I for dancing with him. ( I totally high five him, because I wanted to "high five" someone that night.) The happy man leaves us and that is when the guy approaches me and we start talking. 

My friend leaves to hang out with our friends, so we are in the middle of the dance floor talking. He was an illustrator that only works in black and white. I was really interested in his art work and of course I had to ask the question if he was a "frustrated artist" and he sounded genuine when he said that sometimes when people take credit for things he has done. I think the biggest highlight of the conversation was that he likes to read books and he was intelligent. He wasn't boring at all I was just curious about the type of art he made.
He does glass blowing, sews, printmaking...etc. A total Renaissance Man of this century. Then it was time to leave the patio area and go inside the club and we walked together and I asked him what his name was and  he said "Daniel" and I told him my name and we shook hands.

I had to leave him for a moment, because I had to find my friends and then the Birthday Girl was not feeling to awesome and we had to go. So if anyone knows this "Daniel" that went to La Cita last night or likes going to Punky Reggae can you guys let him know that I forgot to say "Thank You" for dance and that I truly will like to be his friend. Let him read this blog so he will know who it is. "Looking for Daniel!"

Monday, July 23, 2012

Boy Diaries

  I went to Part Time Punks two weeks ago when they had David Bowie night. I truly love to dance and have the best time possible when I go out with my best friend. I am trying to make the best memories possible and on this particular night it started off like usual us getting lost. (I have to admit it was my fault, because I told my friend to turn on this random street that did not lead us to Sunset but somewhere in Vermont.) Yes we were lost for about 20 minutes but the good thing is that we were able to cruise the night streets in search of the Echoplex...Seriously I am bad with directions. But then my friend had an awesome idea of getting on the freeway and she remembered that our exit was Glendale/Echo Park...Once off the freeway my friend was making a right turn..but I was able to save the day when I saw the sign on the left that said Echo Park and yipee we ended up in the right place or else we were going to continue being lost and never making it to "Part Time Punks."

    Once we got in the club the night started a bit slow. I had forgotten that people started showing up to the club at 11:00 oppose to 10:30 (ha, ha). My friend went to get a drink and we were just checking out the scene like we usually do and talked. When this guy with a "Smith's" t-shirt says "hi" to both of us. We reply and smile politely lately we are on our quest of making new friends. (ha, ha)
Anyways our night began when the guest dj was going to start his set Jose Maldonado from Sweet and Tender Hooligans and that is when my feet went loose for some danciiing. I wasn't going to stand all night waiting for some guy to ask me to dance. I am over that already if boys rarely asked me to dance in my teenage years and quinceanera parties what makes me want to stand in a club that I paid to go in and dance. I stopped being afraid of danciing alone and that made me super happy.

My friend and I were having fun dancing when she gets the idea of wanting to talk to some guy who was holding his drink and not dancing at all. I told her that it was cool. She asked him to dance and I felt very happy for her. The biggest highlight of the night is when my friend tells the boy she is dancing with that I should dance with his friend. I was okay with that because I felt bad for the guy, because he was just standing there. I only danced one song with him, because the night was coming to an end and it was closing time. (I will write a part 2 for this post.)

Art Show

Dear Friends,

If you have no plans on August 4th and you want something fun to do please come to "The Average Joe" art show featuring my brother's art. It's an all day event and I hope to see you there and get to meet you.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Crush Sound of The Week Denver - Lo que quieras

Boy Diaries

I always hear complaints about ladies saying how men don't like commitment. But I can rest assured that there are men out there that are willing to take their relationships to the next level...Yes! my darling friends the eight words that spell  "M-A-R-R-I-A-G-E"...One of my real good guy friend's proposed to his girlfriend this week...It made me super happy, because his fiance  is one lucky lady because he is such a niiice man that will love her and respect her.
This is the first time that I get the fun details of what "men" go through when they pop the question just what they are feeling through the process of this and my friend said, "That he was very nervous and he thought his heart was going to burst, because of the nerves."
What a beautiful detail of a moment and it is going to be a "happy ending" like in fairytales.

I am so glad that boys get to ask girls to "Marry" them, and plan out this important step of forever afters, and it is very, very sweeet that there are boys out there that dream of this day...

Woot Woot for Boyssss/Men!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Boy Diaries

There's different things that make me notice a guy whether it is a shirt, or a hairstyle. I honestly, can't narrow it down to one specific thing. But there's "guys" that just pop out from a crowd of people. Many times it is not intentional on my part that I am looking for a specific type of guy, because I am working on a novel and  I want to paint a sincere aesthetic of how men's styles are.

The coolest thing happen a couple of weeks ago when I was heading to "Make Music Pasadena" festival. I took public transportation. It was a great experience because the purple line, connects to the red line, and then the gold line. I was just trying to take in the whole experience, because it was my first time heading to Pasadena on public transportation and that is when I noticed a "guy" that was wearing a black beanie, a long sleeve blue jean like shirt, black skinny jeans (more like jeggings),  he carried on his shoulder a brown tote bag, and his skin reminded me of snow (a la snow white). I have to admit the "guy" was attractive and he was waiting for the red line, but I had no idea that he was also heading to the festival. Once, the metro to union station arrived we all walked in. It was quick to get there and then we all walked to get the gold line. I stood at the terminal waiting for the gold line to come. I tried not to look too much at him, but he seemed like a confident man with his brown tote bag and knew he looked good. When the gold line arrived a few minutes later we all got in and headed to Pasadena. I sat in a different part of the train so I didn't get to ride with him in close proximity, but when we arrived to Memorial Park I noticed that he was ahead of me in the wave of people heading to the festival and I lost view of him when he went up the stairs.

Then yesterday happened when I decided to got to "Star Wars" at Dodger Stadium with my brother and my cousins and we took public transportation. Once again we needed the connection of the red line to get to Union Station we missed it by a couple of seconds...and we waited patiently. It didn't take long for the red line to make an appearance and we got on in the pact train and when the train made the stop to "Civic Center"...out of the blue I noticed from the window the "guy" with the black beanie walking with his bike in the terminal. This time he was wearing brown boxy type of shorts.

If anybody happens to read this blog and lives in LA and knows him let him know I said "Hi"...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Feelings

My new journal looks vibrant and colorful.
Happy feelings and thoughts will bounce off this page ( I hope)...

One thing that made me smile is when I wrote this line with a cute drawing of a heart...

"These lines will string us together"....

I like lines and scribbles muchiiisimo and my new tape recorder and I am having a blast recording the chapters of my novel and putting it in my Itunes...I heart technology...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Letter

To Whom It May Concern;

It feels like it has been a loooooong time since I have written in this blog. I am very excited to inform you that I have been busy writing my second draft of my novel, meeting my ultimate favorite singer Chino Moreno, rock'n out at shows, writing in a journal, and going to the movies. I have also been enjoying riding on the expo line and connecting to downtown what a fun way to see people and dream of characters to write about. There's been moments also that I felt sad, but trying to pull myself together for a better tomorrow. It is about living each day and reaching the ultimate dream you want to achieve....Yes, I will try to write more often on this blog this summer...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Everything is magical and pure when you listen to classical music in a church. The Saints stare at me and the breezy air fills the room and church feels less stuffy....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Boy Diaries

I truly enjoy these one time encounters with random guys that are on public transportation. This guy was really good looking. He was wearing a "Rage Against The Machine" black t-shirt, gray skinny jeans, he had pretty black hair and nice brown eyes. He truly made my day and he was sitting right in front of me. I tried not to stare too much. But I needed a good description of this guy, because I was writing mental notes for this blog...:) 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Boy Diaries

The boy diaries was a on pause momentarily because I had been trying to figure out how to approach this guy I had a crush on. I only had one chance to have a brief conversation with him. He was genuinely kind and I was looking forward to more interesting 2 minute conversations with him on Sundays'. But I never got a true chance to get to know him, because he had to move back home to N.Y.

It is interesting how things just happen that way, because he left so soon, the only nice thing is that I was able to say good-bye. We exchanged a few words and I gave him my e-mail so he can write to me and I gave him a farewell hug...and he smiled and he said, "You never know I will come back."

That was niiiice, but hopefully he does write to me and I can keep you all posted with an update.
I think I have just lived my indie film of a crush, possibilities, and a farewell....

Crush Sound of The Week..The Echo Friendly: Same Mistakes (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Crush sound of the week SOKO :: YOU Have A Power On ME

Reorganizing my thoughts...

I went to the "LA Zine Fest" was a great event all these amaziiing writer's making a mesh of art and writing. I wish I could draw super cool to make an art type of zine. I bought many sweet zines. It just inspired me to do my own crafty zine about things that I luv and adore. But at the same time I must focus on editing my novel.

I had writers block this week and I was just fixated on the idea that "I couldn't organize my thoughts." I couldn't reconnect with my characters. I was a bit sad because everyone in the writer's groups is sooo good. They are all so talented and I know that my voice and characters are very different and they are a bit out of place in this adult modern fiction world those other writer's are creating. Perhaps, I was being a bit self conscious about the whole situation. I even wanted to ditch the writer's group on Sunday, and attend the LA Zine Fest all day. Somehow I managed to talk myself out of that and decided to show up with my one page description of Ingrid.

I explained to the other writer's what had happened and they all gave me great tips in how to overcome "writer's block."
The key is to continue writing about anything and to write a letter to the character. I just realized that I must stop saying "I can't" and move on with the editing process and reorganizing my thoughts even if it means stripping to shreds this manuscript and start from scratch.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

February Madness...

Month 2 of making strives in pursuing a dream. I've been attending my weekly writer's workshop at The Last Bookstore (okay it has only been two sessions). I have to admit that the members of the group are amaziiing writers and I feel quite intimidated by their eloquent writing. The critique I got last week is that I must keep the voice of my character in present tense. I need to find a good grammar book to guide me through the editing process. I do have good news that my story is charming and that I have a winner according to Jill's notes. I finally received the critique that I needed and the motivation of making my story even better.

A friend of mine recommended me to read "The Alchemist" and I am glad that I decided to buy a copy of the book, because I truly understand what the boy is going through and the whole idea of "Personal Legends"...
This is a novel that has hit the right chord in me about going for the impossible dream. It is interesting how I decided to read a novel that I can relate too. I feel like Sebastian from the "Neverending Story.." I am soo happy that I have taken the huge step of trying to make my personal dream a reality. I know it is scary but at the end it will be very rewarding and I will never feel like I didn't try at all.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

This Is It

No more excuses,
No more maybes...

I extended my deadlines too many times and the fears have handicapped me in sooo many ways. I am finally going to take that plunge and take my first draft of my novel "Every You... Every Me..." to an official writer's workshop. It is a "HUGE" deal to me.I ran out of excuses...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Boy Diaries

I truly luv "The Last Bookstore" in Downtown. When I went to the bookstore on Tuesday I was soo happy going through the aisles of their modern fiction section because they have such great selection of books and it will be such a wonderful place to meet a boy. You guessed it in the latest edition of the "Boy Diaries" I saw this attractive guy in the aisle of the modern fiction section and he had the nicest brown hair, and the one thing that stood out from him was the red and black long sleeve plaid shirt he was wearing. How can an article of clothing have such presence?

I continued to browse through the modern fiction section when my brother approaches me to tell me that he wanted to buy a book that was in the Fantasy Section. He couldn't make up his mind so I decided to go check out the books in that section. He wanted to buy "The Hobbit" and he had chosen a book that had a letter written for someone which I thought was cool. I kept telling him that he should buy the book with the dedication, because that gave the book more value. I wasn't saying this loud when I noticed the guy peep through the aisle and we looked at each other. It was a moment but I didn't smile at him or anything..I was feeling a bit self-conscious about the way I looked. I shouldn't of cared but I did for that moment. I think when I find someone attractive I kinda freeze and don't know what to do. I have to change that and become a little more approachable. I continued browsing through books and went to other sections of the bookstore. I lost sight of him and the other thing I was thinking about was taping up my two zines on the post wall in the bookstore.

When I noticed him that he was waiting in line to purchase his books. That's when I told my brother that we should go and make line so I can at least get a last glance of him. We stood there for awhile then I decided to post up my zines, because he had finished purchasing his books. He stood by the magazine section and then I went to post my zines. I wished that I could have had the courage to approach him and given him one of my zines, so he could take home. It is funny how all of these things occurred to me after he left. I just wonder if guys wouldn't mind if some random woman approached them? or said "hi" to them. I have a long way to go in finding a guy to crush on and fall in love with.

Let's Go To The L.A. Zine Fest...

L.A Zine Fest 2012, February 19th, 11 AM - 5 PM @ 453 S. Spring Street, upstairs from the Last Bookstore...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Crush Sound of The Week Neon Indian - 6669 (I Don't Know If You Know) (Live on KEXP)

Boy Diaries

In recent days my friend and I have been discussing this boy she has a crush on. I truly adore her text's and our fun conversation in how she can approach this guy....She finally introduced herself to the most fun and awkward way.

First of all, I have to give high props to my friend for trying to approach this random guy...that she has nicknamed the "Red Headed Boy." I think the weeks of planning and made up conversations have payed off for "him" to notice her. Perhaps we over analyze the situation and I am pretty sure that a simple "hi or hello" without the nervousness could be fairly easy...but are you kidding me "this is indeed the boy diaries moment." and for the dramatic effect it is not going to be easy.

I will pause for a moment and leave you hanging with that thought....

I was talking to one of my male colleagues the other day and I was telling him how difficult it must be to be a "man" because they have to take women out on dates and how expensive it might get. He replied that I was such a feminist by my comment, because according to him men don't mind paying for the ladies when they take them out. I told him that I will feel a bit bad and that I didn't mind paying the half. Then he told me that I over analyze too much the situation when it comes to relationships.

His comment made me realize that there's some actual truth in what he said.

And this same quote I had to steal from "him" in order to make my friend understand the mentality of men when they want to pursue a woman they are interested in. My friend and I are not experts on relationships and the whole etiquette on who should make the first move in a relationship. But moving on with my anecdote for the sake of the boy diaries...

After weeks of planning and figuring how my friend was going to approach this boy. It wasn't an easy task literally not easy, because there were moments that were missed by seconds with this boy. I kept telling my friend that perhaps these were signs that it wasn't the right moment to say anything to this boy that is why the anticipation was building.

The day she text me that she had spoken to "him"...I felt so relieved because she had the courage to say something to him. She saw him in the cafeteria lounge before her next class and he was sitting a few tables away from her. She had left her food in her table and went to get a drink. She thought to herself I must introduce myself to him. When she was returning to her table she decided to walk to his and say hello... She said to him.."I had that brief encounter in the elevator with you the other time and I didn't get your name." She had caught him at a bad time, because he was trying to swallow his food and then he told her his name and she extended her hand and they shook hands. I was happy for my friend that she had the total guts to pursue this boy.

All I can think of is that "now" he knows that she exists. She left his table and went to eat lunch by herself. She was in hopes that he would join her, but that didn't happened he just finished eating his lunch and left. I totally luv my friend's "Red Headed Boy" adventures, because I can't wait to find a boy of my own to crush on and want to introduce myself to.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Following Your Dreams...

There's no instruction guide that tells you how to pursue your dreams. You just need to figure out how to navigate yourself through this maze of what life is all about to get to the ultimate goal. I am finally moving forward and making small strives. I decided to be more of a Do'er. The first hurdle I crossed was putting up two of my zines up on a wall at the "Last Bookstore" in Downtown Los Angeles. I truly luv that bookstore and I highly recommend everyone to go visit it and buy books and records from there. I was soo happy to have found the book "One Day"...I have been reading it every morning before going to work. Once I am done reading it I will watch the film.I have to be honest I was nervous about putting up my zines in the wall. I took a picture of the wall with my taped zines. I went back a couple of days later during art walk and I noticed that someone out there took the zines... It made me feel very happy and hopefully whoever took them had a smile in their face.

The other wonderful thing is that I got back into being crafty. Thanks to my friend Michelle because she started this wonderful idea of making each week a craft project. I was behind two projects when two great crafty ideas came to mind one was to make a collage painting and the other was to make a polaroid
magnet. I have to be honest but I truly had missed the process of creating crafts. The finished results of my projects made me feel accomplished and in a really good mood that anything is possible. I truly enjoy making artsy crafts and amazing myself. It is very true what the members of the "Failure Club" say that everyone is afraid to risk what they have, because "Failure" has such a negative stigma, but at the same time if we don't gamble on pursuing our dreams then we will never know whether it can succeed. I am so ready now to get on to the next level of my life and being crafty is on top of the list.

Monday, January 2, 2012

"Boy Diaries"

Day 1

I went to Target yesterday to do some shopping. I really like their dollar section, because I found some pink heart shape socks and was very excited about that. I truly enjoy hearts and since valentines day is next month I can't wait to see more different shapes of hearts out there. I know that a lot of single ladies hate this day, but on the contrary throughout the years I have learned to embrace it. I don't celebrate it anymore, but I can recognize that many times people in relationships need a day like this to re-evaluate why they are in love with their partners. Maybe it is overrated, but at least they can do something niiiice for each other.

On with the moment when I was making line to pay when I noticed in the aisle next to mine was this really attractive man. He stood out from any person who was in line. He was tall and had pretty brown/yellowish hair, he wore a black jacket and this cool white shirt with some design. I couldn't really tell because his open jacket covered it. He was that kind of man that knows his good looking but doesn't try hard to get attention. The funny thing is that making line behind him were these 3 young ladies. They all looked like they were in their early to late 20's. I was just on the other aisle admiring his good looks, because my line was not moving at all and the cashier needed a price check. I was not complaining but then I heard a loud sneeze. Yes it was him, and then I hear the three women saying "bless you." He kinda blushed it was pretty cute. The line I was in was still not moving and then I noticed that he was putting his things on the counter, but the funny thing was that the 3 women were standing touching the cart handle and looking at him. It appeared like the women were staring and admiring at some kind of exotic species at the zoo. I would have not mind standing with these women as well for just a moment of eye candy.