Friday, January 29, 2010

Working on a Little Mix..

All this week I've been trying to figure out ways to start stripping my novel apart for the editing process..I'm a bit dreading it, because I don't want to loose characters that I like. I keep debating whether "first voice narration or third point of view is the way to go." I've also been putting together a mix that will be the soundtrack to my editing process. It's in the premature stages, but here are a few songs I'm putting in it and my favorite lines:

1. Every Shining Time You arrive (Sunny Day Real Estate)
"Want to change everything."

2. Run (Vampire Weekend)
"We mostly work to live."

3. Signs (Bloc Party)
"I see signs all of the time."

4. It's Thunder and It's Lighting (We Were Promised Jetpacks)
"Your body was black and blue."

5. This Photograph is Proof I know You KnOW (Taking Back Sunday)
(I just love the boy duet in this song.)

I'm pretty sure this mix is going to have more sweet tunes that will motivate me to write and make my novel better...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rainy Day Adventures..

I was hanging out with my friend yesterday..We went to the Regel Theater in Downtown LA. We had already made plans a week before that we wanted to see "Youth In Revolt."
Even though we both knew that the news had been saying that there was going to rain all this week... The nice Sunday greyness fooled me. I was in hopes that it would rain in the evening. I only took my purple sweater and my vest. I didn't even take an umbrella...
We got screwed so badly when we came out of the movies...The rain was pouring...We kept laughing as we crossed the street as the rain poured, but the nice thing was that there was no puddles yet. My friend decides that we should go to "Amoeba" to buy some records...The rain kept pouring and we continued to talk about anything that was on our minds...We get to "Amoeba" but the lot is full in the underground parking...(bummer) So we end up in the public parking area...When we get off the jeep we find some stairs and we go down..We end up in the back side of an unknown street..We are trying to figure out which way to go..The rain kept pouring and my friend was afraid that her hair was going to get puffy...I didn't even think of my hair and how funny my bangs get when they are wet...The good thing is that my friend says that we shouldn't go on Vine street walking, because that would be wroooooong...So we decide to go the other direction...The rain was falling harder when this guy at the parking structure tells us if we had a quarter and he was holding one of those cute little doggies with a red t-shirt on..I searched my pockets and I had no quarter the good thing my friend had one and she handed to the muscle guy with the orange t-shirt...And he told us that he didn't need the quarter he was only trying to see who would be kind enough to give him a quarter and we were nice to do so...He gave my friend his published book..and he rambled on about it...And I was like this is a freakin I asked the guy how did he managed to publish his book and get it edit...(Because I'm looking for a copy editor)... He was like get "High School English Teachers" to look at it...What a great idea, but the catch was that he dated the English I'm screwed...That was a sign that I must get my book out there...ha, ha

Friday, January 15, 2010

No Journal Entries just Ideas..

Hey Everyone and Welcome to "Tales of a Mediocre Life!"

I'm excited to embark on this new adventure of blogging... I have left behind for a bit "Thread and Needles." I'm in hopes of getting back into sewing this year... There's many tales to tell for this month...(ha, ha)...

First of all, you might be asking yourselves why did I decide to call this blog "Tales of a Mediocre Life," I'll tell you that it was a funny thing that was mentioned to me by my brother when I was trying to find titles for my yet unpublished "YA" novel... He kept throwing random things and then as a joke he tells me this title... I thought about it, but it wasn't a fit for my novel. As I was driving home from work yesterday I started to think about this blog post. I don't write that often and what is the point I'm trying to make for having it... I didn't want this blog to go to waste... I also realized that not everyone is going to be a celebrity and that everyone has sorta of a mundane life...that makes us happy...and works for us.

Every year I start a new journal that I like to write all my wicked fun adventures through out the year, but I have decided that this year I will not have a journal that I'm going to pour my little heart too, but instead it will be a journal of ideas for the month. I've been wanting to be a writer for two years now! I'm in hopes of getting my first novel published this year and I would like to think that I have a fun story to tell and by writing this blog it will be a cool exercise for my writing skills..ha, ha