Friday, December 30, 2011
Good Bye 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Boy Diaries
The best times I have is when I get to hang out with my best friend Lisa at shows. We went to see the band "Beach Fossils." A couple weeks ago they made it to my lovely post of "Band Crush Sound of the Week." I am still completely blown away by their music and they are such sweet young men...I definitely had to tell Dustin that their music was the soundtrack to my day. Every time I listen to their music it makes me feel like I am in my own indie film. He replied with a sweet "Awww!"...
I think I will continue crushing on Dustin for a little while longer until I find my own Dustin version...ha, ha..
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Bells Palsy Suxxxx....
Then on Friday my right eye continued to feel dry and watery. I went to work and came back home around 3:00 and that's when I knew that I had fallen once again victim to "bells palsy." A couple years ago I ended with bells palsy because I was having too much stress with school and work. I had to learn the hard way from my doctor about this disease. There's no cure for it and no one knows for sure what causes it. It gradually heals on it's own, but of course the person must massage their face and think positive that this thing will go away.
Right now I feel highly self-conscious about my face and how my right eye is all watery. I could barely talk right, because my lip goes to the right side. I am pretty lucky that I can smile, but I don't have a true expression on my right eye that changes my expression to happiness. I have been watching You Tube Videos of people showing their progress with the disease. I'll be honest but I just want to stay home and not show my face in public for awhile. But I know that I can't do that and I have to continue existing in the world even if people look at me funny or stare.
In reality I don't want to deal with this cramp, but I can't let it run my life for now. All I can say to anyone who reads this post is to be kind to people with disabilities.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Boy Diaries
I thought he was never going to write back. I'll be honest I was dreading it simply because I value "his friendship." I know that long distance relationships never work out...but at least now I know what he truly thinks of me. He values our friendship and the fact that I am very special to him. He also wrote something at the end that made me feel very good...That I should always be "myself"... I think that every moment that a person feels confident in their own skin and life that reflects outward. Even that saying that goes "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is very true. I will continue on my search for that "guy" that will truly be for me...
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
"Boy Diaries"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
"Boy Diaries..."
Saturday, November 5, 2011
This week I finally gave up on giving excuses for myself. How many more times Can I say:
"Guys only see me as a friend."
"I'm never the chosen one."
"There's women who know how to use their sex appeal."
"I don't need a guy to be happy."
"There are two types of woman in this planet the one's who are meant to be a wife and a mother. The one's who were brought up with the value of having a family is the number one priority that gives a purpose to their life and I am not that kind of woman. I don't need to be identified as someone's girlfriend, wife, or mother. I just want to be me."
I think that I have used all these reasons because I don't want to feel like I am desperately seeking for a man to love me. It might sound silly but it is the truth. I finally have the courage to tell this to myself. I truly feel like Shrek now peeling slowly the layers of myself. The other cool thing is that one of my close friends got engaged on her birthday. I feel sooo happy for her, because she was the friend that understood the way I felt about being "single."
Now, I am ready to give some "guy" out there a chance. I don't know when it will happen or how. But I know that I will like to have an actual "date" to my friend's wedding. I don't want to be the "single lady" not having a dance partner for the big event. I wouldn't want to sit in an empty table waiting for someone to ask me to dance.
This is going to be a true challenge for myself to find ways to approach "guys" and give them nice compliments. Stay tune for the "Boy Diaries"...until I find "the guy"....If anyone has suggestion don't hesitate to write me a comment...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Crush Sound of the Week..Arctic Monkeys.
I just had to make this Arctic Monkeys song my crush sound of the week. This song has a stellar beat it just makes you want to dance....
Sunday, October 30, 2011
It was a date...
This last weekend of October was the best. Many times I feel that there's moments in one's life were everything falls into place in one perfect night. On Friday night I went with my friend to see "Los Abandoned" Reunion Show at the Echoplex. For the purpose of this blog I am not going to write his real name...(because I want him to get actual dates with girrrls). I had messaged this friend a month prior to the show to ask him to pick me up to go to the show. He said that it was fine. I wanted to be nice and I bought his ticket to the show, because he was going to drive from San Bernardino County all the way to Los Angeles. I think that it is always fair to buy a friend their ticket if you are not paying for the gas and it is nice to carpool with someone if you are going to the same place. I am always a very entertaining passenger. When my friend text me that afternoon about what time he was going to pick me up he said something about 8:00 p.m. (I thought it was pretty early because the band was going to play at 10:23.)
I was getting pretty excited about the show, because I couldn't wait to hang out with friends and dance the night off with "Los Abandoned." Then my friend texts me once again that he would be having dinner and that he would pick me up around 8'ish...That was perfect because I could eat dinner and get ready for the show and continue answering texts that other friends were sending me.
He finally shows up to my house like around 9:10, because he was running late from his dinner. I am not quite sure how we ended up on the topic of his dinner...(I guess I was under the assumption he had dinner with his family.) It turns out he had a dinner date with his ex-girlfriend. I think that was the coolest highlight of our conversation, because when I told him he was on a "date" with his ex-girlfriend before he came to pick me up...HE claimed it wasn't a date...I always considered eating with and ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend as a date. I always correlate those two things together. I do get that boys and girls can be friends, but ex's they have that whole emotional baggage that they carry with them. Like a bad scar ready to be opened up and start to bleed again. I think that the other funny thing about that conversation was when he offered me cold pizza from his dinner date with his ex. This was waaaaaaaay too funny. It totally inspired me to want to write a poem and make fun of this whole moment.
Overall it was the best night ever danciiing, sweating, and singing along to "Los Abandoned" made it one of the most memorable nights of my life. I even met one of my favorite bloggers Ms. MJ that night. I was trying to get to the front of the stage with my friend Vicki when I saw a familiar face and I turned around and told my friend that I followed her blog...and she said the same thing to her friend...Awww! it was sooo perfect.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Crush Sound of The Week....
I have a huge crush on this commercial if I ever got married I truly want this brides dress..
Sunday, October 23, 2011
My October List...

2. I went to see "Drive" on my birthday and this film was amazing. I am going to dedicate a blog to Ryan Gosling and his magnificent acting skills. ( I haven't seen the "Notebook")...I will explain this in my Ryan Gosling blog soon...
3. I highly recommend the book "The Solitude of Prime Numbers" my brother's girlfriend gave me this wonderful book for my birthday. All I can say is that the moment you read the first chapter you can't put the book down you want to know what will happen next to Mattia and Alice and how two people can be soo in loove but at the same time be so apart.
I have been away from this blog for two months I have missed writing my
thoughts. October is a special month for me because it is the month I celebrate my birthday. I was very lucky this b-day because my best friend Lisa send me a lovely birthday card from Atlanta. It is the little thoughts that count that I make a bigger fuss about. My brother bought me a pretty chocolate cake from Porto's that truly reminded me of our childhood birthday parties. The chocolate mousse cake that our dad will buy us at this fancy bakery in Beverly Hills. I started to think about how every year I make these b-day wishes when I blow out the candles and how I try my best to make them come true.
I feel that birthday's are a reminder to us of plans that we have to make. It is a day to pause and remind us where we want to go and how we want to change. I always feel like we get a clean slate but too bad there's so much baggage we carry with us along the way. I think this time around I am so ready to make a difference in my own life and not be so afraid to take a chance on me and my birthday wish.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Heartfelt Thoughts

Summer is almost over..."hurray"... I truly love autumn can't wait.
I've been cleaning my room for the past few days. I haven't quite finished cleaning it seems like every time I clean one space I make a bigger mess. It is a bit like playing tetris trying to make things fit. I got rid off half of my closet space I put every article of clothes that I don't wear anymore in 7 large bags and took it to Goodwill. It is funny how I have felt so attached to things that I never realized that letting go of them was a bit hard. My brother kept teasing me that I am a "Hoarder" but I am not falling on top of my things or making a little passage to get through my things.
In all of my mayhem of a mess I found my middle school yearbook. Mount Vernon Jr. High was a sweet time. I was only in that school for 9th grade. The fondest memory is when I met Jesus A. in the book room. He was the cutest thing and he wore braces that made him sparkle when he smiled. I always looked forward to going to the book room that was one of the places I was assigned to in my job placement in work experience. On the other hand Jesus was there because it was his elective. (Don't know why it was a class period)...The whole point is that I had a crush on him. I was soooo fixated on him that I never looked around and noticed this other guy called Nicolas. I wanted to share what both "boys" wrote in my yearbook and I have been wanting to find Jesus Alvarez to see how he is doing. I am pretty sure he is a dad now or married. I wonder if it is a good idea to look for him?
Friday, July 29, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Every You...Every Me...Chapter 3
Tardiness Equal Detention
My class schedule was all over the place in school and it was fourth period design class. I was truly looking forward to this elective.
“Violet wait up!” Ethan yelled.
“Hey, I just want to apologize for this morning. I didn’t mean to anger it.” I said.
“She wasn’t mad at all. Don’t worry about it. I want you to listen to this song I’ve been listening to this summer.”
Ethan took off his tangy colored headset and put them on me. I enjoyed listening to songs that Ethan liked. He just stood there making faces at me to see my reaction. I moved a little to the song. When it was over the tardy bell rang. I took off the headsets immediately.
“What did you think?” Ethan asked.
“You can definitely dance to it.” I said.
“I knew you were going to like it. I couldn’t wait for you to come back so we could hear this song together.” Ethan said.
“I don’t want to burst this moment with you, but I have my class at the end of this hallway and Mr. Maze is standing right there handing out tardy slips.” I said.
“He has too many students to notice you. My class is on the other side. See you later.” Ethan said.
I start walking towards the end of the hall. There's a crowd of students around Mr. Maze. This is not a good way to start the semester getting a tardy slip. I quickly walk by in hopes that Mr. Maze doesn't see me. He has too many students to see me passing by. Ethan thought about me this summer and that makes me so happy.
"Young lady get back here!" Yelled Mr. Maze.
I try to walk fast, but there's no chance of getting away from him. I turn around and walk towards Mr. Maze.
"What is your name? Give me your first and last name I'm writing you up."
"Violet Blandon.”
"Violet you think that you can pass by me without getting a tardy slip. You are wrong!"
"Give us a break. It's the first day of school and we don't even know where our classes are located. And besides you are making us more late, since you got to write all these tardy slips."
"Are you like a teen advocate for lateness." Mr. Maze said sternly.
Mr. Maze writes up the tardy slip and hands it to me.
"I get detention too?"
"Yes, for not stopping and making me run after you."
"I can't stay after-school today. I have to bury my fish. I'm in mourning."
"I didn't know that I had to schedule an appointment prior to your other after-school activities. If you don't show up for detention you'll make it up by picking up trash during lunchtime tomorrow."
"I'll be there."
I am thirty minutes late to design class and I try to turn the knob as quietly as possible in hopes of sneaking in without getting noticed.
"Welcome to design class I'm Ms. Levine and what is your name."
“Your name is part of the color scheme that we will learn later in the semester.” Ms. Levine said. I could feel the hotness of my cheeks.
"I hope you are not going to be late for my class every day."
"I'm not."
"You can take the last seat in the back next to Jared. Raise your hand Jared so Violet will know who you are."
Jared raised his hand.
He moved his bag pack from my desk. I sat quietly and I took out my Tyrannosaur’s Rex pen and a notebook. I started writing the notes Ms. Levine had written on the board. When Jared’s phone started to buzz and I pretended not to hear it. I kept looking at the clock, because lunch time was going to happen really soon and I was hungry.
I put my pen down and Jared took it. I whispered at him.
“Hey, can you give me back my pen?” I said.
“I’ll give it back to you in a second. I need to write this number.”
“What does this button do?”
“Don’t press it.” I said.
Jared doesn’t listen to me and he presses it and the Tyrannosaur’s Rex makes a loud roar. Everyone in the classroom turns around and looks at us.
“I’m sorry for the interruption.” I said and took the pen away from Jared.
“That’s a great pen. Where did you get it?” asked Jared.
I ignored his question and pretended not to hear him. I just needed to survive a couple more minutes before lunch. Jared’s phone continued to buzz and I got saved by the bell.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Love and Plaster sketch book..

Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
If I Were in An Indie Band...

The Title Album: "Blush Ambition"
1. Friday Night
2. Happy When You Are Not Around
3. Gloomy Inside
4. Not a Luv Ballad
5. Black Hooded Sweater Boy
6. Riding my Bike
7. If I Were Your Girlfriend
8. Teal
9. Seahorse Dreams
10. Say No More (Good-bye)
It will be a fun debut album... Sweet fun dreams...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Looking through my sketchbook...

Many times I like to unleash the creative part of me. I enjoy cutting out letters from magazine pages and gluing them on paper. The nice thing about putting together words or phrases is that the end result always surprises me. I truly enjoy how the colors I choose give the words a dramatic feeling. I can't wait for this weekend to get creative once more with my zines...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Radio Show Ideas...
It was pretty rad, and I am going to give it a shot...Right now I am brainstorming in what to title it...
Hopefully in a few days I will find a title and I will share it with all of you...and you can all tune in when I premiere it.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Every You...Every Me...

I really appreciate that many people have read Chapter 1 of my novel thank you so much for giving my novel a chance to blossom in my blog. I decided to post Chapter 2 "Another Morning."
Enjoy Everyone and don't hesitate to leave me a comment.
Another Morning
The alarm goes off it is 6:30 a.m. I wake up in the middle of my watercolor set. Leon’s box looks very colorful. I jump into bed and press the snooze button for another fifteen minutes.
“Get up Violet. It is time to get ready for school.”
“Can I skip the first day of school and go back tomorrow. I am not feeling well.”
“You didn’t even unpack your clothes?”
“There’s no one to impress.” I said as mom pulled the covers away from me.
“Give me five more minutes.”
“I am going to start breakfast already and you better hit the shower. I forgot to tell you yesterday that Stephen is picking you up; he got his license during the summer.”
Mom walks out of the room and I just close my eyes. I get up and put my suitcase on my bed and looked for the black dress with the bow on it. I hit the shower when mom knocks on the door.
“What do you want now!” I yelled.
“I’m leaving. Have a fun day at school. Love You.”
“I will try.”
I get out of the shower and I quickly get dressed up. When I hear a honk and I look out the window it is Stephen and Ingrid is in the passenger seat. I grab my red messenger bag and run down the stairs. I go to the kitchen to get a bagel and I run out the door.
Ingrid sticking her head out the car. "Hey Violet! What's up with your outfit? It seems like you got it from Wednesday’s wardrobe."
"I don't even get a good morning."
"Violet get in the car already. I want to go to the donut shop." said Stephen.
I sit in the back seat. Ingrid turns around. "Violet did you get any of my messages? Why didn’t you call me to tell me you were coming back home yesterday."
"I did get your messages and sorry about not telling you when I was coming back home."
"Your dad didn’t give you access to a phone. There’s a thing called the internet and email you know."
"I didn't see him throughout my trip. I was backpacking through Spain with my step sister and her boyfriend."
"Did you bring us souvenirs to make up for your unwillingness to keep in touch with us?"
"I did. I haven't unpacked. By the way Leon died last night."
Stephen was not paying attention to our conversation. He was focus on driving and getting to the donut shop.
“Why didn’t you call me?” asked Ingrid.
“It was late.” I said as I took a bite of my bagel.
“He finally did it right, so many times that he pretended to be dead.” Ingrid said.
“I am burying Leon after school would you guys join me to say good-bye to him?”
“I’m baby-sitting today, but I will try to make it.” Ingrid said.
Stephen arrives to the Donut Shop and he gets out of the car.
“Violet did you check your messages that Ethan left for you?”
“No, I haven’t checked.”
“Let me tell you Priscilla dumped him on the last day of school.”
“She did?” I asked confused.
“You were not there to see him fall apart. The good thing you had left school early that day.”
“No wonder he asked me last night if I had heard my messages.”
“What could you have done postpone your trip to be by his side.” Ingrid laughed.
“Hey isn’t that Tecladito Girl walking out of the Donut Shop?” I asked Ingrid.
“It is. Here comes Stephen. He doesn’t look too happy.”
Tecladito Girl gets inside the car that is parked next to us. Stephen gets inside the car and slams the door. He starts the car and heads to school.
"I should have just left you Violet, instead of waiting for you."
"Why are you getting mad at me? Didn't you see Tecladito girl in the donut shop? That should be enough to make your day." I said.
"She must be thinking that I'm a creep." Stephen said.
"Why do you say that?" asked Ingrid.
"You know how cranky I get if I don't eat my cherry filled donut in the morning."
"What happened in there?" I asked.
"Let me tell you girls that when I got to the counter and asked for a cherry filled donut they had sold out. The girl told me that the last one was sold to the girl with the turquoise beanie. I decided to approach the girl to see if she would sell it to me. But guess who it was…
“Tecladito Girl!” Ingrid and I said at the same time.
“That’s right.” Stephen said.
Stephen continued telling us the story:
I couldn’t back out from not talking to her, so I said Hi and I told her we went to the same school. She looked at me a bit puzzled. I got nervous then I told her that the girl in the counter told me that they had sold her the last of the cherry filled donuts and that they weren’t going to make any more until tomorrow. She replied and said, “Too bad for you then you will have to wait until tomorrow to eat one.” You know how I can get when I don’t eat my cherry filled donut in the morning. So I told her, “Can I buy it from you. I will pay double for it. She said, “No and I am not going to share with you either.” Then I asked her if I can get one tiny piece of it. She said, “Ewww! and ran off. That is not how I had planned our first conversation to be.
“You are such a Romeo Stephen with your lines.” Ingrid said laughing.
I couldn’t keep a straight face and I started laughing, “At least now you know that when you ask her out on a date, instead of taking flowers you can take her a box of cherry filled donuts.” I said.
“Laugh all you want. But when one of you has a boy crush I’ll remember your jokes.”
“Don’t take it personally at least she knows you exist now.” Ingrid said.
“I will share a piece of my bagel with you.”
“No thanks, if it was a cherry filled donut it would be a definite yes.”
I sat back into my seat enjoying my bagel, while Ingrid applied some red lipstick. We arrived to school and Stephen entered the parking lot.
“Ingrid tell me if you see an open spot where I can park.” Stephen said.
“What happened? Did everyone get their license this summer there’s no parking at all.” Ingrid said.
I rolled the window down as I saw Ethan in the parking lot. He was looking nice in a blue sweater, brown pants, and black converse. I wanted to call out his name so he could wave at me. My thoughts get interrupted by Ingrid yelling, “There’s a parking! Can you squeeze between that Toyota Corolla and Mazda.”
“It will be a little tight for us to come out, but will manage.” Stephen said.
I open my door carefully and I try to squeeze out. Stephen has a bit of a hard time getting out.
“I think I got to lose some weight.” Stephen said.
We walk through the parking lot when Ray approaches us.
“Hey guys first day of school. We are Junior’s now!” Ray said excitedly.
“Calm down boy.” Ingrid said.
“I’m just so happy to see you guys.” Ray said.
“What is your first period Violet?” asked Ingrid.
I looked inside my bag to find my class schedule and I couldn’t find it.
“I don’t know. I am going to the office to get a copy of my class schedule.” I said.
I headed to the office and there was a long line. I stood there when I see Ethan coming down the hallway with Priscilla. I pretend to be looking inside my bag so he wouldn’t see me.
“Violet, Violet.” Ethan said.
I tried to ignore him, but I couldn’t help it and looked up. He was walking ahead of Priscilla and waving at me.
“What happened last night? You never called me back. I waited for your call.” Ethan said.
“I was too sad to call you and I got busy painting Leon’s box.” I said.
“You should have called. I would have helped you paint it.” Ethan said.
“It was late.” I said.
“I’m an artist. I’m sleep deprived.” Ethan said with a smile.
“If you are not busy I’m going to bury him after school in my backyard at 4:00 p.m. You are welcomed to come and say good-bye to him.” I said.
“Ethan hurry up we are going to be late to class.” Priscilla said as she approached us.
“I’m going.” Ethan said.
“Is that your lady friend Ethan?” I asked with a smile.
Ethan laughed and said, “No.”
“I’m his girlfriend.” Priscilla said.
“I know.” I said.
Priscilla just rolled her eyes at me and walked away. Ethan went after her and he turned around and waved good-bye to me.