You can never be wrong or right about your feelings. Honesty is an important step in any given relationship. I wanted to move on forward and be more realistic with my feelings. I decided to write to one of my guy friend's that I have known for two years and express that I had a crush on him. My e-mail to him was short and simple and I know deep down that I was expecting some kinda of answer like "Oh, I didn't know you felt that way about me." (if you read this part make a manly voice on it.) I had two miss opportunities to tell him that I had a crush on him to his face. My real reason for the "I had a crush on you revelation" was that I wanted to know if there could have been a possibility a "tiny" chance of a maybe. But since he hasn't replied back with any type of sentiment then I shouldn't feel hurt or anything. I just wanted to feel those knots in my stomach when you are waiting for that person to say something to you that will change everything in that second. Perhaps he will never write me back but at least now I will not be so afraid of rejection. I think that the only reason why I had a crush on him was because he danced with me without feeling shy about it. There was something about him that made me happy even though it was for a moment. I have danced with other guys, but they didn't make me feel anything; so I will continue my quest of finding someone. Hopefully he does exist somewhere.
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