Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Dia!

I was talking with one of my colleagues at work about this weekend. I didn't have big plans like any other weekend, but of course this weekend was different its "Valentine's Day." My colleague has a boyfriend, but he isn't the romantic type. She is starting to have doubts about him. Unfortunately, I don't have any real answers to her heart dilemma.

It's been awhile since I've actually celebrated this day of love with anyone or have made the attempt to go out and treat myself sweeeetly...I'm not going to shred this day apart either just because I'm not going to receive anything. As I've grown a little older each year I haven't quite understood why being single is such a bad thing. At some point you begin to question whether your too picky about who you are willing to give a chance to have romantic feelings for...I know that there's no such thing as movie kinda of love. I've always thought of relationships as a second job, because you gotta work hard to make it work. I know when the time comes for me to dip my little heart into some romance it will be because I'm freakin ready for it. But I surely don't want to end up either with the way my parents are.

My dad has never bought any roses to my mom or shows any sign that he is still in love with her and thanks for continuing being my partner. My mom is the same way...They have grown accustomed to this routine. Maybe Valentine's Day is not such a bad day to show someone you care for them even if there's so much hype and its all about the hallmark companies making money so what at least it's a day were hearts and love notes rule!

1 comment:


I feel you. Good relationships seem hard to come by, but from what I read on a "psychology of relationships" chart that I bought at Fry's is that: when 2 people have chemistry it really shouldn't be too difficult to get along or else it's not real. It's all about wanting to be together instead of being all needy about each other. Romance only lasts like 3 years, after that it's all about being loving. Just thought i'd share my 2 cents.