I've been thinking all week on how to make a better service to my male characters in my novel...Especially in the issue of looooooooove...I know that women and men think about love differently...
For example: Women are always thinking if they will be able to find the so-cal true "one"...Especially if they are "single.".... I know it's not the number one priority, but it always lingers in back of our minds...even when we are successful career women...or just trying to find our path in life...
I wonder how men think about this issue of love...or at least how do they feel when they know that they are starting to have strong feelings for a woman?....
If any guy wants to reply to my question I would greatly appreciate the help...just because I truly want my two male characters to be mighty cool with their feelings about this issue...I want a bit of a true portrait of what a guy would feel and do for the lady he wants to be in love with...
Thanks for the help!
1 comment:
Hi , I would like to help you with your novel question. Even though I feel a bit a typical right now because, I haven't been in a relationship in ages. But would like to still give you my perspective. I like writing poems and would eventually like to write plays, stories, ect. in the future. So when I read this post , I was totally piqued by it.
you can add me on Facebook(Hector Valladares) because I think using the "IM" on there or maybe myspace (www.myspace.com/The subtle-poet) would be a great way to flow back- and-forth with Q&A, instead of writing long messages.
Warm regards,
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