I am going to embark in a new adventure next month that is going to take me into a different direction in my life. I have never been a huge risk taker in my life and I am always holding back my dreams in order to help others. I don't understand why I do this to myself. I've been working on my two zines this month. On March 12 I am going to take a chance and sell them. It is time to start breaking down the wall that handicaps me from pursuing my dreams. I sometimes wonder if other people feel this way? I found this great quote from this author Katherine Mansfield:
"Risk! Risk Anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest things for yourself, face the truth."
This quote is so perfect, because I am so ready to make things happen for me. I am going to take a chance on me and not wait for someone to make that choice. I am my own hardest critique, but at the same time I am my "own cheerleader."
From now on I am going to take my own advice that I give my friends. It is time for me to return the favor to myself.
I found a cool book this week titled "Mess: The Manual of Accidents and Mistakes." The other thing I have been working on is my sketch book.