Sunday, January 29, 2012
Boy Diaries

In recent days my friend and I have been discussing this boy she has a crush on. I truly adore her text's and our fun conversation in how she can approach this guy....She finally introduced herself to the most fun and awkward way.
First of all, I have to give high props to my friend for trying to approach this random guy...that she has nicknamed the "Red Headed Boy." I think the weeks of planning and made up conversations have payed off for "him" to notice her. Perhaps we over analyze the situation and I am pretty sure that a simple "hi or hello" without the nervousness could be fairly easy...but are you kidding me "this is indeed the boy diaries moment." and for the dramatic effect it is not going to be easy.
I will pause for a moment and leave you hanging with that thought....
I was talking to one of my male colleagues the other day and I was telling him how difficult it must be to be a "man" because they have to take women out on dates and how expensive it might get. He replied that I was such a feminist by my comment, because according to him men don't mind paying for the ladies when they take them out. I told him that I will feel a bit bad and that I didn't mind paying the half. Then he told me that I over analyze too much the situation when it comes to relationships.
His comment made me realize that there's some actual truth in what he said.
And this same quote I had to steal from "him" in order to make my friend understand the mentality of men when they want to pursue a woman they are interested in. My friend and I are not experts on relationships and the whole etiquette on who should make the first move in a relationship. But moving on with my anecdote for the sake of the boy diaries...
After weeks of planning and figuring how my friend was going to approach this boy. It wasn't an easy task literally not easy, because there were moments that were missed by seconds with this boy. I kept telling my friend that perhaps these were signs that it wasn't the right moment to say anything to this boy that is why the anticipation was building.
The day she text me that she had spoken to "him"...I felt so relieved because she had the courage to say something to him. She saw him in the cafeteria lounge before her next class and he was sitting a few tables away from her. She had left her food in her table and went to get a drink. She thought to herself I must introduce myself to him. When she was returning to her table she decided to walk to his and say hello... She said to him.."I had that brief encounter in the elevator with you the other time and I didn't get your name." She had caught him at a bad time, because he was trying to swallow his food and then he told her his name and she extended her hand and they shook hands. I was happy for my friend that she had the total guts to pursue this boy.
All I can think of is that "now" he knows that she exists. She left his table and went to eat lunch by herself. She was in hopes that he would join her, but that didn't happened he just finished eating his lunch and left. I totally luv my friend's "Red Headed Boy" adventures, because I can't wait to find a boy of my own to crush on and want to introduce myself to.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Following Your Dreams...

There's no instruction guide that tells you how to pursue your dreams. You just need to figure out how to navigate yourself through this maze of what life is all about to get to the ultimate goal. I am finally moving forward and making small strives. I decided to be more of a Do'er. The first hurdle I crossed was putting up two of my zines up on a wall at the "Last Bookstore" in Downtown Los Angeles. I truly luv that bookstore and I highly recommend everyone to go visit it and buy books and records from there. I was soo happy to ha
The other wonderful thing is that I got back into being crafty. Thanks to my friend Michelle because she started this wonderful idea of making each week a craft project. I was behind two projects when two great crafty ideas came to mind one was to make a collage painting and the other was to make a polaroid
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
"Boy Diaries"
Day 1
I went to Target yesterday to do some shopping. I really like their dollar section, because I found some pink heart shape socks and was very excited about that. I truly enjoy hearts and since valentines day is next month I can't wait to see more different shapes of hearts out there. I know that a lot of single ladies hate this day, but on the contrary throughout the years I have learned to embrace it. I don't celebrate it anymore, but I can recognize that many times people in relationships need a day like this to re-evaluate why they are in love with their partners. Maybe it is overrated, but at least they can do something niiiice for each other.
On with the moment when I was making line to pay when I noticed in the aisle next to mine was this really attractive man. He stood out from any person who was in line. He was tall and had pretty brown/yellowish hair, he wore a black jacket and this cool white shirt with some design. I couldn't really tell because his open jacket covered it. He was that kind of man that knows his good looking but doesn't try hard to get attention. The funny thing is that making line behind him were these 3 young ladies. They all looked like they were in their early to late 20's. I was just on the other aisle admiring his good looks, because my line was not moving at all and the cashier needed a price check. I was not complaining but then I heard a loud sneeze. Yes it was him, and then I hear the three women saying "bless you." He kinda blushed it was pretty cute. The line I was in was still not moving and then I noticed that he was putting his things on the counter, but the funny thing was that the 3 women were standing touching the cart handle and looking at him. It appeared like the women were staring and admiring at some kind of exotic species at the zoo. I would have not mind standing with these women as well for just a moment of eye candy.
I went to Target yesterday to do some shopping. I really like their dollar section, because I found some pink heart shape socks and was very excited about that. I truly enjoy hearts and since valentines day is next month I can't wait to see more different shapes of hearts out there. I know that a lot of single ladies hate this day, but on the contrary throughout the years I have learned to embrace it. I don't celebrate it anymore, but I can recognize that many times people in relationships need a day like this to re-evaluate why they are in love with their partners. Maybe it is overrated, but at least they can do something niiiice for each other.
On with the moment when I was making line to pay when I noticed in the aisle next to mine was this really attractive man. He stood out from any person who was in line. He was tall and had pretty brown/yellowish hair, he wore a black jacket and this cool white shirt with some design. I couldn't really tell because his open jacket covered it. He was that kind of man that knows his good looking but doesn't try hard to get attention. The funny thing is that making line behind him were these 3 young ladies. They all looked like they were in their early to late 20's. I was just on the other aisle admiring his good looks, because my line was not moving at all and the cashier needed a price check. I was not complaining but then I heard a loud sneeze. Yes it was him, and then I hear the three women saying "bless you." He kinda blushed it was pretty cute. The line I was in was still not moving and then I noticed that he was putting his things on the counter, but the funny thing was that the 3 women were standing touching the cart handle and looking at him. It appeared like the women were staring and admiring at some kind of exotic species at the zoo. I would have not mind standing with these women as well for just a moment of eye candy.
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