Summer is almost over..."hurray"... I truly love autumn can't wait.
I've been cleaning my room for the past few days. I haven't quite finished cleaning it seems like every time I clean one space I make a bigger mess. It is a bit like playing tetris trying to make things fit. I got rid off half of my closet space I put every article of clothes that I don't wear anymore in 7 large bags and took it to Goodwill. It is funny how I have felt so attached to things that I never realized that letting go of them was a bit hard. My brother kept teasing me that I am a "Hoarder" but I am not falling on top of my things or making a little passage to get through my things.
In all of my mayhem of a mess I found my middle school yearbook. Mount Vernon Jr. High was a sweet time. I was only in that school for 9th grade. The fondest memory is when I met Jesus A. in the book room. He was the cutest thing and he wore braces that made him sparkle when he smiled. I always looked forward to going to the book room that was one of the places I was assigned to in my job placement in work experience. On the other hand Jesus was there because it was his elective. (Don't know why it was a class period)...The whole point is that I had a crush on him. I was soooo fixated on him that I never looked around and noticed this other guy called Nicolas. I wanted to share what both "boys" wrote in my yearbook and I have been wanting to find Jesus Alvarez to see how he is doing. I am pretty sure he is a dad now or married. I wonder if it is a good idea to look for him?