Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
El Lunes...

I think I'm inspired to write today...I'm probably making up for the many blogs I haven't written...(ha, ha)...On Monday I had the best day ever! I had plans con mi amiguita Jasmine to work on papel picado and flowers at my house...She needed all of the decorations for this kool show at "La Cita" on Wednesday night...(It was for the Pinata Party for Pilar Diaz)...She shows up at my house like at 6:00...We talk a bit and then she needed to make copies of a donkey, and needed a letter "P." We made the copies and then we take off to Walmart...We needed string and colorful pipes for the flowers...We listened in the car to"She and Him" ...awww! that album is sooo amazing...We pick up quickly the materials that were needed and when we are leaving the store the security guard must check the receipt...He tells her thank you "Sir" and then he apologizes when he realizes that Jasmine is a woman...and then he starts to apologize...She tells him that it is okay...We walk out and we start to laugh...Jasmine then has a kool idea about going to see Ceci Bastida play after we go measure the string at "La Cita." I'm like sure, but then Jasmine wanted to get some clothes at the vintage store, because she was in her jogging clothes and I was in my whatever gear...So we go to the vintage store...and she is looking for pants and I'm just looking at the jackets...and then she wanted to try on the pants she found...and then I walk to the book section and next to it there's the record section...Jasmine decides to check out the records and she finds "A Blondie album, Madness, B52's and a couple of Elvis Costello and the Attractives records..(those were for David, because he is a big fan of him.) We couldn't believe it...Jasmine couldn't try on the pants, because they closed at 7:00 the try on rooms...so we had to make line to buy the records...We were keeping our fingers crossed that they cost un dolar...When we got to the register she only payed $5.49...(yipeeeee) what an awesome buy...We head out to "La Cita", but I had forgotten my driver's license...When we get in "I'm hoping that they don't ask for my i.d...but they do and I have to go outside. I couldn't believe it...I felt so 17 wanting to go in the bar and couldn't because you didn't have the age...(ha, ha)...We must go back to mi casa so I can get my i.d. or else I wasn't gonna get in at the "Echo"..and I was gonna be so saaad...We decide to put all of the papel picado en el carro y las flores that I had...and we take off once more to the "Echo"...We had the best time danciiiiing, surprising David with the records, and we ended up buying t-shirts and ep's of Ceci...awww! she was soooooo sweeeet...it was the best Monday ever!
Papel Picado Adventures...

It'll all started with an idea from a good friend who had this kool vision of having a Pinata Party... And she wanted to know if anybody knew how to make "Papel Picado." I wasn't sure what "Papel Picado" was, but I had seen some Cinco de Mayo banner type of squares that the parents made at work for decorations...So I call my friend during lunch time to ask...and she was like, "yEs, yEs!" that's what she wanted, but of course in different colors..I didn't know how to make it..I thought it was gonna be hard and I had already told my friend that I could make them...since I was gonna get the tissue paper...I was a bit nervous with the task, because what if I didn't deliver...(ha, ha) Then on Saturday my friend text me saying if I was making the squares 8x10...I was like sure...hadn't even started making anything...and I even offered to make flowers..(I know how to make that)...so no panic there...It was until Sunday morning when I decided to start working on the papel picado project...thank goodness for U tUBE...I found a little girl explaining the easy steps of how to make it...in her broken English...I was sooooo happy that it wasn't hard to make...and there I was in the kitchen table cutting and being all inspired by the "Arctic Monkeys music" especially the song "Leave Before The Lights Come On." I was supposed to go out danciiiiing on Sunday niteeee, but a 5.0 shake occured and I didn't go anywhere...and so I continued cutting el papel picado and making flowers...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Una Vez Mas Escribiendo...
Hello, Hello...
It's been a looooong time...and "Tiragomas" is on a break..But I will start writing on this blog moreeee often....Everyone has been a bit busy working on their own projects. I have finally started writing an actual novel..."Yes, Yes!" my very first one...I have called it for the time being "The Defects of My Affection." (The title might change)... at the same time I've been writing the script for it too...(multitasking), but the true reality is that the script came first...(ha, ha)...I might put some of the chapters here time to time...No more a closet writer...I've also been taking a design class on Saturday mornings....I was feeling a bit retarded with my painting skillzzzzzz...Today I finally finished my "Color wheel" yipeeeee! believe me when I say that this was not fun to make...I even made up a little rhyme while I painted because I was that excited to be almost done...and I realized that I wanted to go out danciiiiiing...
Mixing Unos Colores
let's mix,
let's mix,
red plus white makes pink,
blue plus green makes blueee
Mixing los colores should be magical...
para nada...
llevame a bailar,
llevame a bailar,
y escuchar un real mix de sonidos,
that will make me danceeeee...
llevame a bailar,
blue green,
red orange,
red orange,
No more mixing por favor...oh well gotta get back to making some new designs and oh no, more mixing de colores...
It's been a looooong time...and "Tiragomas" is on a break..But I will start writing on this blog moreeee often....Everyone has been a bit busy working on their own projects. I have finally started writing an actual novel..."Yes, Yes!" my very first one...I have called it for the time being "The Defects of My Affection." (The title might change)... at the same time I've been writing the script for it too...(multitasking), but the true reality is that the script came first...(ha, ha)...I might put some of the chapters here time to time...No more a closet writer...I've also been taking a design class on Saturday mornings....I was feeling a bit retarded with my painting skillzzzzzz...Today I finally finished my "Color wheel" yipeeeee! believe me when I say that this was not fun to make...I even made up a little rhyme while I painted because I was that excited to be almost done...and I realized that I wanted to go out danciiiiiing...
Mixing Unos Colores
let's mix,
let's mix,
red plus white makes pink,
blue plus green makes blueee
Mixing los colores should be magical...
para nada...
llevame a bailar,
llevame a bailar,
y escuchar un real mix de sonidos,
that will make me danceeeee...
llevame a bailar,
blue green,
red orange,
red orange,
No more mixing por favor...oh well gotta get back to making some new designs and oh no, more mixing de colores...
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